Unify Manual

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Navigating Unify's graphical user interface

Unify's graphical user interface (GUI) window is divided into five main regions, as shown below:

  • The Header displays information about the current patch, and contains several buttons for editing it. See Tour of the Header section below.
  • The Body usually contains the layer stack for the current patch, but may also contain other views
    • Select views using the icons at the bottom right.
  • The Footer usually doesn't appear at all, but it may contain certain auxiliary views, such as the MIDI Monitor view as shown in the picture above.
    • Use the icons at the bottom left to choose the Footer contents.
  • The Icon Strip along the bottom edge of the GUI are described in the next section.
    • These mainly allow you to navigate by revealing different views.
  • The Sidebar contains Unify's patch browser.
    • Click on the “browse” button at the top-right corner to open and close the sidebar.

The Body and Footer can each contain any of several views, which are described in detail on separate pages:

The Footer can also contain several views:

  • The ShowMIDI view shows MIDI and CC activity
  • The Macro knobs view is for real-time MIDI control and host automation
  • The Transport view allows setting BPM tempo and starting/stopping Unify's transport (internal timing system)

Tour of the Header section

The Header section comprises many distinct displays and buttons:

The large patch metadata area describes the currently-loaded patch. If there are more than two lines of (white) descriptive text, you will see a small green scroll-bar at the right-hand end. You can scroll down to see the rest of the description either by dragging the scroll-bar with your mouse, or using your mouse's scroll wheel (or ball, or touch surface, or whatever scroll mechanism your mouse or trackpad offers) while the mouse pointer is anywhere inside the metadata area.

The layer button just under the Unify logo on the left opens a menu of layer operations. The following screenshot shows how this menu looks when the first sub-menu is open:

The first three items on the layer operations menu allow you to add new layers, either empty ones, or prebuilt ones chosen from various sub-menus of layer presets.

The Show/Hide Midi layers item selects whether MIDI layers (if present) are shown full-size, or shrunk down to just their titles to make more space for other layers.

To the right of the patch metadata area you'll see the library image, which indicates pictorially, which Unify library the current patch is part of.

To the right of the library image are the prev/next buttons, for switching to the previous or next patch in the current patch list (shown in the patch browser in the sidebar, if open).

Down the right-hand side of the header are four buttons:

  • The browse button opens and closes the sidebar
  • The init button clears (initializes) the current patch, for when you want to start making a new one from scratch.
  • The revert button re-loads the current patch from the last saved version on disk, for cases where you have made several changes, but don't want to save them.
  • The save button is for saving the current patch to disk. See Creating your first patch.

Icons in the Icon Strip

The Icon Strip along the bottom edge of the GUI contains three groups of icons:

The icons on the left allows you to select what appears in the Footer:

  • Nothing, i.e., close the Footer
  • MIDI Monitor: shows MIDI activity coming into Unify from outside
  • Macro Knobs: shows eight “macro parameter” knobs which you can link to multiple parameters
  • Transport: shows Unify's Transport, which controls BPM timing
    • In the present version of Unify, this only appears in the stand-alone app

The icons on the right allow you to select what appears in the Body:

  • Heart icon: (favorite plug-ins) opens Unify's plug-in subsets view
  • Plug icon: opens the plug-in scanning view
  • Lock icon: opens the Licensing view
  • Gear icon: opens the Settings view
  • The two rightmost icons both select Unify's layer-stack view
    • The one on the right selects “accordion view”, where all layers will be shown, but may be squashed vertically
    • The one on the left selects “scrolling view”, where all layers are shown at full height, and you may need to use the scroll-bar on the right (or your mouse's scroll wheel) to bring them into view.
  • NOTE if you use any of the four leftmost icons, you can simply click the icon again to return to the layer-stack view

The two icons in the middle are for two very different things:

  • The question mark icon brings up Unify's Help menu, which allows you to turn tooltips (helpful text hints which appear when you roll your mouse pointer over various parts of the GUI) on or off, display the About box, or open any of several Unify-related pages in your web browser.
  • The exclamation mark icon is Unify's “MIDI Panic” button. Click this to immediately silence all plug-ins.
gui-overview.1575338743.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/08 18:59 (external edit)